Saturday, June 21, 2008

5 THINGS!!!!

I was tagged by All this Happiness to show you 5 things in my purse! Since I change my bag quite often I never have anything too interesting....but here goes nothing.

1. 40's Sunglasses, or maybe 50's
2. Metal bobbin from Teddy for my broken machine
3. Sharpie, always for doodling, eye liner for when Im feeling daring
4. Thrift store/post office receipts....old candy wrappers
5. A little booklet about how missionaries live on the islands, and a banana bread recipe I have yet to use

5 things im "into"

1. Old kitchenware, wall art and linens for my apartment come fall

2. Ravi Zacharias, an extremely wise apologetic speaker

3. White Teeth
4. Antique Malls that secretly hold vintage clothes


I'll post about my room when it isn't such a disaster.
Im sure there are many more things im far more into but this is what came to mind first.
now im tagging Clever Nettle, and The Snail and the Cyclops because I think everyone else I know and love has already been tagged....yes?

1 comment:

Milla said...

Had to google Ravi Zacharias after this post. You are cool ;D