Friday, June 6, 2008


I tried some of the suggested curling methods you guys mentioned. Im not sure which works the best yet and im still not very good at any of them. I tried a hot roller and I added curling gel so it will stay.

In more succesful news my brown sunglasses came today from eBay. I wish I knew if they were from the 40's or 50's. Any guesses? They came with their original Emilie Roberts case. I love them, and they fit my head great!

Im excited about the wedding im photographing tomarrow. With the forecast of 90 some degrees Im not sure what I'll end up wearing. Im still thinking about the pretty lace number I wrote about earlier. And if anyone is interested Teddy and I bought the newly weds this amazing whale kite!!!!

Only ours is blue, and from China! See you guys soon.


Unknown said...

Love the pictures you have posted. you HAVE DONE AMAZING WORK them?They are fabulous!these are gorgeous illustrations!Very nice,Lovely pictures

you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!
god bless u dear

fritha louise said...

I love those sunglasses! They're so cool. That kite is immense too, such a great idea for a wedding present!

Tara Diane said...

aww, very cute outfit :)

What we four say said...

I wish I could see the curls better, but from what I can tell they look really pretty. These sunglasses are gorgeous.

Brittany(aka Ruby) said...

You're adorable!
Vintage hairstyles are my specialty(some of my work is posted on my blog),what type of curly look do you want to achieve?

Anonymous said...

I have thick and wavy hair, and I have always considered it a curse! I wish I had your hair, I love it the way it is. I guess you always want what you don't have!
By the way, cool glasses

Milla said...

I want to come fly that kite with you! It looks co-ool! And so do you, as per usual...