Monday, May 12, 2008


Lately it has been so cold and windy. The weather has pushed me just enough to throw on this super comfy dress that is perfectly a few sizes too big. It's the ideal dress for my day off!
Today im mailing some vintage to a few lovely ladies then im off to visit Teddy.
Im going to be putting up the new auctions tomarrow night if anyone is interested. I have a lot of work to do today!


Isabel said...

This blog is absolutely darling, and so is your style. Would you like to trade links?

Milla said...

oh Madison! You are so darling. And so cool. And if you ever put that dress in the shop I'll be pressing refresh on ebay every couple of seconds for a week;)

WendyB said...

Very nice!

Ashleigh said...

what a great blog! :) I love your style and all these wonderful dresses!!

yiqin; said...

Why6 do you always look so gorgeous? & you have the BEST dresses :)